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Step into the realm of timeless truths with my eBooks. Although the platforms offer only Bank and PayPal options, I welcome those seeking to pay through GCash. Simply send a message via the Contact Me page, and I'll personally ensure you receive these profound insights directly to your email. Let the journey begin.

Holiness Unto the Lord: The Essential Mark of True Ministers

Are you a minister of the gospel? Do you desire to be a vessel of honor for God's glory? Do you long to see revival in your church and nation? If so, this short ebook is for you.

In this book, I challenge you to examine your life and ministry in light of God's holy standard. I show you from the Word of God that holiness is not optional, but mandatory for those who serve Him. I warn you of the pitfalls and perils that threaten your holiness. I encourage you with the benefits and blessings of holiness. I inspire you to pursue holiness as the ultimate aim of your life and ministry.

This book is not for the faint-hearted or the lukewarm. It is for those who are willing to pay the price of holiness, for the sake of God, His church, and the lost. It is for those who want to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Read this book and be stirred, shaken, and transformed by the message of holiness unto the Lord.

The Prodigal Church: Navigating Back to True Christian Roots

Embark on a soul-stirring journey with “The Prodigal Church,” where I expose the drift from true Christian roots. Unveil the urgent call to return to authentic faith amidst the modern ecclesiastical wilderness. Immerse yourself in this poignant exploration, and let the revelation reshape your spiritual compass. Purchase your transformative guide here.

Sacred Slaughter: Reckoning with God's Actions in a World of Suffering

This eBook, available now at your favorite digital storeis a fearless journey into the heart of theological turbulence. In the tradition of relentless inquiry, this book confronts the haunting questions posed by skeptics and believers alike. With the precision of a razor-sharp blade, it cuts through theological veils, exploring the enigma of divine judgment, the moral complexities of faith, and the paradoxes that hover over our understanding of the divine. This is not a dance around the fire; it's a plunge into its heart, an unapologetic pursuit of truth in the face of challenging skepticism.

The Smoldering Altar
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The Smoldering Altar: Rediscovering the Fire of True Worship

Here is a blazing call to awaken the dormant embers of authentic worship in the heart of every believer. This unveils the urgency of returning to the sacred and intimate encounter with the Almighty. Explore the lost flame of worship, grasp its profound significance, and learn how to fan it into a roaring fire that will illuminate your life and inspire others to join the radiant journey of true adoration.

Fan the Flames
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Fan the Flames: Nurturing Radical Faith in a Lukewarm World

A fiery call to awaken from spiritual slumber! Dive into this electrifying eBook, a summons to embrace radical faith, forsake compromise, and ignite the fire of God's presence in your life. Join a generation unafraid to believe, obey, and witness the miraculous. Are you ready to be a torchbearer for Christ in a world yearning for truth and light? The call begins now.

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